Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Rice Harvest 30th September

Yo so we had the rice harvest yesterday. I managed to get there at about 10.30 with a bad hangover, the sun was out and I was ready to party. I had the idea that perhaps harvesting rice would involve dragging myself through a dank paddy field fighting off mosquitos, leeches and whatever else was living in the water. Na it was more like this...

So yeah all it involved was picking up the stems from the field after they'd been cut with a machine, and leaving them to hang on a wooden beam. Finished by 3. Wicked! The family I helped out are really cool.

The rice field had so much wildlife you had to be careful not to stand on frogs or preying mantis.

Thats two Preying Mantis having sex, apparently the female will eat the male after.

Bizarre white frog!!!

Grasshoppers which are supposed to taste nice.

This is me and Daiskue, the rice stems make your body itch and flare up your allergies. It was really hot and I got burnt thats the reason for the scarf.


Anonymous said...

I really love the pic of the preying mantis, it takes a while to figure out whats going on, but I like it a lot for some reason. Great photography Rich!

P.s Nice scarf.

Anonymous said...

Nice scarf... very stylish. Why is the guy next to you wearing a mask?