Two weeks ago, everything was going cool. I managed to take these shots on a mountain on the way up to a the nearest Ski resort in my new car.

So this is the new baby, dunno the name yet. Suggestions are welcome. Shes a step up from Sambo, electric windows, aircon, 4 wheel drive blah blah blah, but only half the power. Its a 660 cc engine, half that of Sambo. But she still goes and after two weeks of driving the mileage is amazing, I spent 15 quid and its not even half empty yet.

So yeah after driving up a mountain for 45 minutes I decided to take a photo of well... some trees from the look of it, there is a waterfall in there somewhere. Its like a Wheres Wally picture, wheres the waterfall??? Speaking of Wheres Wally I went to the Dentist on Friday. The guy came recommended by another JET. Went along, went into the surgery and was generally chatting with the dentist who'd lived in Canada for a while. He asked me if Id been to this certain place, and I said no, turns out it was his favorite strip club in the ENTIRE world. He was really annoyed that I hadnt been there. At the end he gave me a plastic drinks carton, the kind you get at Mcdonalds, but only the size of my thumb. It went in the trash on the way out of the surgery. (why would someone want that). I was going to tell you about the problems Id been having with a mad teacher who during a lesson started massaging my back touching my bum and laughing when I shouted at a student. You might think "hang on, but what if she was attractive?" She bears a strong resemblance to this my friend.

Only thing is you have to imagine shes Japanese, on anti depression and generally looking like shit. Anyway to cut a long story short I told my boss, my boss is her best friend, thus my boss is pissed off with me for "bringing this up" and is now giving me a hard time. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The mental teachers lessons are now being supervised which is a fasttrack to being sacked. Turns out my boss is going through a hard patch "My mother is diseased" is what she said to me today. So hopefully this will have blown over soon. And who cares, the Ski season officially starts tomorrow!!!