Boxing Day 2006 was the end of school, so I went to my visit schools big end of year party. I was suprised at just how expensive the hotel looked from the outside but that really didnt prepare me for what happened once inside. Luckily I managed to meet this cute sports teacher and we got the lift up together. She'd just been to Okinawa on a school trip and somehow thought it was cold compared to Nagano??? When you got to the room you had to choose a flower, so I chose one and it had Kanji written on it, she had a number on hers. I instantly knew I was up the top table with the principle. Yay! Turns out we had to sit through maybe 15 minutes of speeches in which the Japanese on my table slept through (or were they just resting there eyes?).

After an immense amount of drinking we headed to Warung Jun which is quickly turning into my favourite pub.

Things descened into drunken madness when Boss Tanaka (on the right) English teacher supreme and Takeda (below) appeared.

Someone somehow found an afro in the bar somewhere...

... and a pair of 2006 shades...

... and then things really started to change...

When I took out my camera at the beginning it was like Id just given everyone liquid cocaine or something, they were all saying Sugoi (great!!!). Was a wicked night out, though I didnt feel to good. Now its time to take on Tokyo and survive!!!
Where did you find that horse's head? Did it end up in someone's bed like in the Godfather?
Happy new year from the other side of the world.
Post something about your new year's experience in Tokyo! I bet it was great
Mate happy new year from overcast Portsmouth! Hope you are very well and speak to you soon!
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