Schools going okay but I get the feeling they think Im lazy, Im now, believe it or not, in charge of the mid term exams in English. How the hell did that happen??? I have to write the papers for the goddamn exams. I taught 4 classes today, the highest so far, which is a bit knackering. But apart from that everythings okay at work.
I have now officially started Kyudo (its not Japanese Cluedo) which is Japanese archery. My teacher bitched the whole time that I set up my shot the same way an Englishman would aim a longbow, but know this is Japanese so thus ultimate control is required. Heres a picture of the bow.

So yeah, my Japanese is coming along. Im starting to get to grips with one of the alphabets and my conversation is getting better. Ive stopped saying "Atsui desu ne!" (Its hot) and now say "Cacqui" (Cool) to everything much to the annoyance of the headmaster who thinks its vulgar to say cool. Thus I take every oppurtunity to say it to him.
The journey continues.......
The page is looking good. Can you afford to buy yourself a coat? When are you going to put pictures up of your apartment?
so you too had the pleasure of the one-hand-brolly-bike-ride! Don`t you just love monsoon time...umh...
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