This is me and Mark. He went back to Uni in the UK to do some course. He was a bit crazy.
On the left is Canadian Kevin Li. This was the first time we'd all met him. After a few drinks he freaked the girls out by giving them back massages. He hasn't lived it down since. In the middle is Michiko. She used to live in Cardiff with her British boyfriend, Tim, and has an amazing Welsh/British/Japanese accent. On the right is my Japanese teacher Kumiko. She is probably one of the most amusing Japanese people Ive come across. She hates the Chinese, which is made all the more funny because Kevin is in fact Chinese.
Mark and Kumiko never got on with each other. She was his caretaker and in most of my classes she would always complain about him. Here me and Stu were trying to take photos to catch the essence of their relationship. I think I came close here.
This is Tomoko and Sonomi. There both really cool Japanese girls. I don't see much of them though. Tomoko has a bizarre Cuban accent to the way she speaks English. Its pretty funny.
This is Stu trying to smile and failing.