These are pictures from Nagano Orientation. This involved sitting through some pretty boring lectures which were quite useful. Then heading to the bar where the fun began. Paid 15 quid for all you can eat food and drink for 2 hours. Thus it was literally beer after beer, pitcher after pitcher of drunken hedonism.
Notice the pissed faces? How could this have happened with 2 hours of free drinking?
The first picture is Trista with the beads, shes cool from LA.
The second picture is Erin who lives in Matsumoto, shes from Colorado and cool.
The third picture is Howard from New York who is also cool.
Twas a wicked night had by all. The train ride home was a mission but highly amusing. Trista told me I was shouting Hara Kiri (Suicide) at the top of my voice and shoving my head out the window screaming Sumimasen (sorry). Ah the joy of being ludicrously peesed.